Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blog Assignment #9

I read Mr. McClung's last two posts, What I've Learned This Year (2010-2011) and What I've Learned This Year (2011-2012). I really enjoyed reading about what he has learned the last two years. Starting his third year he had a lot of changes and new experiences. This was his first time being a head coach, coaching cross country, and teaching a computer applications class. One of the things I learned from Mr. McClung is that he does not like falling into the same routine, and he likes to be creative.

 As a teacher he found himself doing a lot of people pleasing. it's very easy to get wrapped up in keeping everyone happy, and worrying about what they think of you. His point is; you have to remember the reason you started teaching is for the kids.  The students always need to be your primary focus. As future educators we should keep that in mind, the students best interest should always be top priority. I often find myself guilty of trying to fit in with others or worrying about what someone else thinks. It gets very tiring and I have realized that you will not please everyone and as long as your doing the best you can do, then that is all that matters.

Another important fact is when you are teaching do not take over the task. It is easy to take over and do most of the work . The problem with that is they will never fully master the skills, and it will teach them to be dependent on others. EDM310 is a perfect example of what Mr. McClung is talking about. If Dr. Strange or the lab assistants fixed our problems every time we got stuck, then we would not learn anything from this class. It's about learning patience and giving them room to grow. 

In his second blog post, Mr. McClung's topics is defining yourself as a teacher, and challenging yourself. This year marked the third year that he worked for the same school and taught the same subject. If you get settled in the same routine, then you get comfortable. It's about setting the bar high and making room for change. I am guilty of not liking changes, but change is not always a bad thing. If you don't make changes you could get to comfortable and everything becomes boring. 


  1. Anna,
    I really enjoyed reading your post and I think you did a great job summarizing Mr. McClung’s post. You did an excellent job with your pictures and links. While reading your post, I did find a few minor grammatical errors. Keep up the good job.
    Students………. Student’s
    it’s………………. It’s
    as long as your doing the best you…… you’re

  2. Hi Anna,

    You did a good job on your post, but still have a few gramatical errors. In this sentence, "it's very easy to get wrapped up in keeping everyone happy, and worrying about what they think of you. His point is; you have to remember the reason you started teaching is for the kids", you forgot to capitalize "it's".

    Just make sure you are proof reading your posts.

    Stephen Akins
