Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog Assignment 10

This cartoon by John T. Spencer is a mock of the I'm a Mac and I'm a PC commercials. The point that is being made in the cartoon is that Mac computers are more expensive, but they are worth the money. I have never used a Mac until this semester, and now I'm quite fond of them. I have a PC at home and it does not compare to the Mac.

Why Were Your Kids Playing Games?   


In this post, Mr. Spencer writes about being called into the Principal's office. He gets in trouble for allowing his students to play games in the classroom.  Mr. Spencer tries to tell him that the games were educational, and the children were learning.  The principal tells him he needs to prepare his students for the rote memorization test. Mr. Spencer adds that even doctors and soldiers play games and do simulations as a part of their education.  The principal tells him that games are not allowed, period.

I don't agree with students playing games that do not benefit what they are supposed to be learning, but I see nothing wrong if it promotes learning.  If you do something that sparks an interest with children, they enjoy learning. The fact of the matter is, their will always be that teacher who believes in what Dr. Strange calls the "Burp- Back" way of teaching. With the memorization method they do not gain anything, and what they memorized is usually forgotten soon after. As a teacher, you should not want your students just to memorize something to get by.

After reading the Con Academy it made me wonder why are there teachers? Teachers are there to teach and help students learn. You can't give them a bunch of worksheets and packets and expect them to be engaged. students need to interact, and you need to have their interest. If you just give them a stack of worksheets, they are not going to take it serious, and the students are the ones who will be left behind and not get the education they need.

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?         

Mr. Mcleod's post was saying go ahead and keep your kids away from technology, but he will use it to his advantage. He was pointing out how important technology is, and learning it gives you a bigger advantage. The Internet is a great place to learn  as long as it's used properly. The Internet is also filled with things that children have no business seeing, and that's why parents should always monitor what their children are doing online. Technology is advancing constantly and there is nothing we can do about it. The ones who are at a disadvantage are the ones not  keeping up with the changes.


  1. Anna,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. It was short and to the point. You did mostly what was assigned. In the sentence, “The fact of the matter is, their will always be that…” their should be there. Other than that, that is the only grammatical error I saw.
