Tuesday, November 13, 2012

C4K October Summary


On October 4th I commented on a students blog named Aurduc954. He talked about the difference between cats and dogs. He stated that they came in different sizes, colors, and that dogs are more popular because they are playful. He also listed some other things like dogs bark, cats meow, dogs play a lot, and cats like to sleep. I agreed with him about the differences, and told him that cats are friendly when they want to be, and it's usually on their terms.


On October 12th I commented on a students blog named Mike Gwaltney. His blog post was called "Our Final Project," The final project in The Age of Exploration. His challenge was to create a video about the American Revolution. He did a great job making a video pointing out the facts on the Battle of Bennington.


On October 18th I commented on a students blog named Sponge-bob.  Sponge-bob is a sixth grader from Canada. She wrote about things that she likes, and her hobbies. a few of her hobbies include photography, doodling, knitting, and swimming.

On October 28th I commented on Molly's blog. She summarized Johnny from The Outsiders. She did a really good job describing Johnny's character. From what I read Johnny has had a hard life, and went through a lot. His character reflects that it is important to truly be who you are.

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