Little Kids...Big Potential
Ms. Cassidy is a first grade teacher from Moose Jaw, Canada. I really enjoyed watching this video, but I was a little surprised that the students were writing blogs. I'm in college and only created my first blog because of EDM 310. The students also use the smart board, create web pages, wikis, and Skype. She also has a class website set up to keep the parents informed. The students really enjoyed this type of learning environment, and personally I think they learn more when they are enjoying what they are doing.
Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy
In the interview, Ms. Cassidy talks about how she got involved in technology with such a young age group. My experience this semester has been a huge stepping stone, and I have learned a lot. Technology is here to stay, and as I have said before, we might as well embrace it. Before EDM 310 I haven't thought much about using technology in my classroom, and now it definitely gives me something to think about. I think the younger you start teaching them the better.
For me the # 1 thing I look forward to using in my classroom is blogs. I think it is very important for students to learn and using their writing skills. It also can help them learn to be creative and express there self. As a parent of a two year old, I see how he picks up on the little things, and he is always so eager to mess with the computer, or try and use our cell phones.
Yes blogs!
ReplyDelete"...we might as well embrace it"? Why not ...we certainly must embrace it?